
Alex Kim is a scientist in the Physics Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His research interests include cosmology, astronomical transients, and statistics. He is engaged in a number of experiments, including the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument and the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration.


  • Type Ia Supernova Cosmology
  • Peculiar velocities
  • Model inference


  • PhD in Physics, 1996

    University of California, Berkeley

  • BS in Physics, BS in Mathematics, 1991

    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

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Likelihood of a Galaxy Survey

The positions of galaxies can tell us a lot about the Universe and gravity. Measurements by the Planck satellite provide a precise …

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DESI Spectral Subtraction Transient Search

First results from DESI spectral subtractions

Outlier Detection in DESI

Introduction of DESI and outlier detection

Snowmass CPM Presentations

Snowmass CPM Presentations at Sessions 146 and 144

Opportunities for Type Ia Supernova Peculiar Velocity Surveys

Presentation to the Snowmass Subpanel

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Characterizing the Sample Selection for Supernova Cosmology

Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are used as distance indicators to infer the cosmological parameters that specify the expansion history of …

Probing gravity and growth of structure with gravitational waves and galaxies' peculiar velocity

The low-redshift velocity field is a unique probe of the growth of cosmic structure and gravity. We propose to use distances from …

Complementarity of Peculiar Velocity Surveys and Redshift Space Distortions for Testing Gravity

Peculiar-velocity surveys of the low-redshift universe have significant leverage to constrain the growth rate of cosmic structure and …
